A Cozy Summertime Home Birth — Indianapolis, Indiana
When I arrived at Rylie’s home one afternoon after she said her contractions were picking up, I sensed that it would definitely be her birthing day. Most people who’ve witnessed birth more than once have come to recognize the stages of labor unfolding. Thus was the case for her cozy summertime home birth. As I said hello and settled in behind my camera, Rylie labored on. She was partnered with her husband, Eric, diligently beside and offering comfort as needed. While we waited for her midwife and the rest of her family to arrive, Rylie decided it was time for a change of position and location. When she made it to her bed to side-lie for a bit, her midwives arrived and began to check baby’s fetal heart tones. At this time, none of us knew whether they would welcome a baby boy, or a baby girl into their family! What was to come was such a special moment between Rylie and Eric that I will forever cherish having getting to capture.
Shortly after settling in bed, Rylie’s mom began setting up the birth pool and filling it with water.
After several position changes and comfort measures taken, Rylie steadily worked through each contraction while big sister napped in the other room. When she woke, Eric’s mom took her outside to play as a distraction. We all knew her little sibling would be born very soon!
At Rylie’s request, April, her midwife, confirmed that her cervix was completely dilated. As her contractions grew more intense, so did her urge to push - so she did! It took only what seemed mere moments for a head to become visible, and then a purple newborn baby being brought to chest by his mother. She said, “Eric, we have a little boy.” And it was that moment, the one I mentioned earlier, occurring right in front of my eyes and lens. Pure emotion came over his face! Relief, joy, and gratitude. Because both Rylie and Eric stoically lean into their faith more than most people I’ve ever met, I knew that they were simultaneously thanking God for their safe and beautiful journey guiding this healthy baby boy earth side.
Shortly after birth, greetings were made from sibling to sibling, between dad and baby through skin-to-skin, and from grandmothers by providing nourishing foods, all the while patiently waiting on their turn to love on a new squishy baby in the home, once settled in. Soon the newborn exam commenced, where we all learned that baby boy was over 9.5lbs…hence Rylie’s face when weighing him! Footprints were made and documented as the postpartum bliss and rest from hard work began to settle over the room. The sun was setting, and it was the perfect end to a perfect day.